Need Sponsorship Patenschaften gesucht
My plan was to have all the godchildren in Zambia To visit and make an interview with them. In the end it failed, unfortunately, that...
Die gespendeten BHs für Project Luangwa The donated bras for Project Luangwa
The donated bras for the Project Luangwa. I knew that Project Luangwa needed bras for young girls, so I started a campaign in Germany to...
Just Africa Sjef Snijders - der Zahnarzt in Mfuwe
Before I went to Zambia I asked who you were on the Best Toothbrushes and also eyeglass frames. It was unanimously believed that the...
Handwashingstation Matula Primary School
Unfortunately we have not been successful in getting enough money for the well, so I decided to order a handwashingstation instead. We...
Red Nose Day in Zambia
Now I've been back from Zambia. With suitcases full of memories, videos, photos and fabrics of my favourite store in Mfuwe (South...